Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Kepariwisataan 2 - Tugas/Assignment

 Kepariwisataan 2 - Tugas/Assignment


In hospitality, there are many kinds of job that you can find! There are receptionist, hotel chef, housekeeper, porter, and maintenance worker. Receptionist works to serve the guest about the room administration, payment, and more. Hotel chef obviously works to operate and control all the foods in the hotel. Housekeeper has to make sure that every room is clean before and after the guest check in. Porter helps guest to bring their luggage to the room. and maintenance worker works fto repair all the stuff/electrics that might be broken in the hotel and every room.


Based on Oxford Dictionary, Modal Verb a verb such as can, may or will that is used with another verb (not a modal) to express possibility, permission, intention, etc. The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should.

I can speak English
You must return the book!
May I borrow your book?
She might be sick
He will come with us
You should stop drinking!
Would you come to my party?


Connected speech is spoken language in a continuous sequence, as in normal conversation. It is also called connected discourse. There is often a significant difference between the way words are pronounced in isolation and the way they are pronounced in the context of connected speech. In connected speech, words or syllables are clipped, phrases are run together, and words are stressed differently than they would be in writing.

I want to go home = I wanna go home
She will be fine = She'll be fine
Alice is kind of cute = Alice is kinda cute
I'm out of money = I'm outta money

Thursday, 14 May 2020



Hello guys! Welcome back to my blogs! So for today’s video I’m telling you guys about what I want to be in the future! And I chose to be a music producer! Want to know more? You can watch the video by yourself below here! But I want to apologize first because the lightning/brightness is a bit distracting because I was recording it around 3pm so the sky was shining so bright. I hope you guys like my video! Thank you!

Sunday, 3 May 2020



So welcome back to my blogs! For today’s video I’m going to talk about “go green” like what is go green and what can we do to contribute ourselves to help saving earth. So here is the video I hope you guys like it and remember this is for my college assignment so please do not take this seriously okay? Thank you!!!

Sunday, 26 April 2020



So for today’s video, I’m posting a video that I have to retell you guys about a folklore from any country. Then I chose a very famous folklore from Indonesia. It’s called Malin Kundang. It is a folklore from West Sumatra, Indonesia. It tells about a son who disobey his own mother because she was a poor woman. So here is my video! Thanks for watching!

Sunday, 19 April 2020



So hello guys! Welcome back to my blog. So for today I’m going to upload a video for my college assignment. In this video, I’m retelling you guys a story called “3 Little Pigs” it is a quite famous story right? So here is the video! 

That’s all for today, see you guys in my next blog! Thank you!!!

Saturday, 18 April 2020



Untuk kali ini saya akan mempost untuk tugas mata kuliah basic acting saya. Untuk kali ini saya mendapatkan tugas untuk menggambar dan mewarnai serta menjelaskan makna dari gambar tersebut. Maka langsung saja kita mulai!

Untuk gambar kali ini saya menggambil inspirasi dari internet berupa gambar di bawah: 
Dan untuk hasil nya bisa diliat di bawah ini:

Walaupun sangat di bawah ekspektasi kita semua tetapi saya tetap senang dalam mengerjakan tugas ini. Mungkin untuk makna dibalik gambar ini seperti nya tidak ada tapi saya memiliki alasan tersendiri untuk menggambar gambar tersebut. 

Alasan saya adalah saya sangat suka dengan gambar aliran kubisme. Kubisme menurut saya sangatlah simple dan cukup mudah untuk dibuat. Pemilihan warna juga menjadi faktor mengapa saya suka dengan kubisme. Pilihan warna yang tepat dapat memperindah lukisan tersebut.

Mungkin segitu saja untuk kali ini. Terima kasih untuk yang sudah membaca dan melihat blog saya. And remember, this is only for an assignment so please do not take it seriously and if i make any mistakes I’m so sorry. Thank you see you next time!

Sunday, 12 April 2020

IDOL - Assignment

IDOL - Assignment

So welcome back to my blog! I have another assignment that i have to tell you guys about my favorite artists, actor, singer or anyone. I chose to talk about Melanie Martinez. She is a singer from US. She has a lot of good songs so please check her out! So here is the video, I hope you like it!

Friday, 10 April 2020

The Journey of My Life

The Journey of My Life - Basic Acting Assignment

So welcome back to my blog everyone! For today I’m going to tell you guys about my journey to become myself right now. It takes a long time for me to be able to change my life. I learned from everything I’ve been through for whole my life. But unfortunately I’m going to write it on Bahasa Indonesia because I don’t think it is a good idea for me to write it in English. And my lecturer of this subject, Miss Eva allowed me to write in Bahasa Indonesia. So let’s get started!

Kehidupan ku sungguh sangat membosankan, tidak ada momen yang sangat istimewa untuk ku. Tapi memang benar apa yang orang lain katakan, bahwa masa SMA ada masa terindah yang pernah kita alami. Masa SMA adalah tempat bagiku untuk belajar lebih dewasa dan menerima kenyataan dari kehidupan ini. Di masa SMA aku belajar untuk lebih menghargai orang lain, penting nya menjaga pertemanan, dan bergaul. 

Sejujurnya, saat SMP aku hanya memiliki beberapa teman dekat. Mungkin karena saat SMP aku masih menutup diri dan belum mencoba untuk lebih terbuka kepada orang lain. Dari SMP aku sangat tertarik untuk mengikuti kegiatan organisasi seperti OSIS tapi aku belum berani untuk mengikuti kegiatan tersebut. Saat SMA ku coba untuk mengikuti OSIS, setelah mengikuti seleksi 2 hari dan cukup melelahkan akhir nya aku lolos dan menjadi anggota OSIS. Aku sangat bahagia saat mengetahui bahwa aku lolos. Mungkin seluruh kenangan indah ku saat SMA berasal dari kegiatan ku saat OSIS. 

OSIS sungguh menggubah hidup ku. Aku lebih pede untuk berbicara di depan umum, lebih mudah untuk bergaul dengan orang lain, dan dapat lebih memahami karakter-karakter orang lain. Aku juga belajar lebih mandiri dari kegiatan osis. Seperti kita selalu mengadakan latihan kepemimpinan dasar di daerah Puncak, Bogor. Kita belajar untuk bagaimana cara kita dalam mengatasi suatu masalah, kekompakan dan lain lain. 

Memang menjadi bagian dari kepengurusan OSIS ini tidak mudah, sangat lah berat. Aku mengorbankan banyak hal seperti waktu untuk bermain bersama teman dan waktu bersama keluarga berkurang dan menanggung tanggung jawab yang lebih banyak. Walaupun orang tua ku dulu sempat tidak mendukung karena pulang malam, nilai sempat turun, dan sempat sakit juga. Aku tidak pernah menyesal untuk menjadi anggota osis. Justru dengan hal-hal tersebut memotivasi ku untuk berbuat lebih baik. 

I think that’s all for it. I’m so sorry if I make mistakes while writing the assignment. And I hope everyone who reads this will enjoy. Thank you so much! 

Saturday, 4 April 2020



So welcome back to my blog, it’s been a long time since I posted something in my blog right? So for now I have an assignment from my college that I have to upload a video of me pretending to be a salesman and try to promote my company’s product. I chose to promote one of my favorite sunscreen which is SKINAQUA 50SPF. But remember guys, this video is not sponsored by SKINAQUA, this is  for an assignment only so don’t take it seriously. 

So here is the video!

Thank you so much for watching!!!